Since the Anchor Audio Assistive Listening Devices and AIR wireless companion speakers are both on 902 - 928 MHz, can they work together to create a simple and reliable ADA compliant sound system?

Actually, yes! An 8000X, 8000XU1, and 8000XU2 (Liberty & MegaVox) will transmit to the AIR companion speakers as well as the ALB-9000 Assistive Listening beltpack(s). Since all systems are shipped out by default on the 902.000 channel, simply power on your transmitter and receivers (beltpacks and AIR wireless companion), and you instantly have an ADA compliant sound system. Did you know that ADA requirements mandate compliant assistive listening systems for any theater using audio amplification or with a capacity of at least 50 audience members? Try this set up for the easiest solution.